At the cradle of my Christian ordeal, I was more
concerned with DOING than with BEING, more meticulous of what I should do
rather than who I am. I did all I was told with continuous zeal and innermost
I lived almost 2 decades of my Christian life thinking
being a Christian is all about having a CHANGED LIFE. But I gradually reach out
on my own accord to get a glimpse of the truths with several hours of
meditations and contemplation in the inner light. I was thrilled as words from
the other realms flooded my soul and I finally got the answers for the numerous
questions I have always had.
What God offers the believer was not a CHANGED LIFE,
rather an EXCHANGED LIFE. The life of a believer was not ATTAINED but OBTAINED.
True victory is not in a suppressed life, but the expressed one. My life was
not changed but exchanged. I did not give my life to Jesus Christ, He gave me
his life. But before, all I ever knew was that Jesus died for my sins, once I
have believed and confessed, then that would be all.
But far beyond that, Jesus did not just die for my sins.
I gradually understood that He took my place (Of sin, sickness, poverty etc).
It was not just the understanding alone, the experience followed suit several
months later, and this was the beginning of my transcendent life.
So what am I to do now? Does God still want me to keep
the 10 commandments? What is Grace? What is the Law? Is the Law inferior or
superior? What or who is a new creation? These were prevailing questions in my
heart then, but all vanished just as the dust before the wind or better still
in a flash. You either learn by knowledge or experience. But in my case, I
learnt by tears and joy.
Below are few of them:
Of my entire struggle, the highest of them was not with
sin per se but the consciousness of sin. I tried to do what has been done, and
undo what can never be undone. Nothing has done more harm to me than having an
awareness of sin consistently. But I found that God’s way of deliverance is
different from my approach.
I tried to suppress sin by seeking to overcome it. I
mourned over my weakness, thinking that if only I was stronger, all would be
well. But God’s approach is not by making me stronger and stronger; rather, it
is by making me weaker and weaker.
God fixed my sin consciousness not by helping me do
anything to come out of the situation, but by entirely removing me from the
scene of action. I felt I must always to something for God, but I realized it
was not based on what I should do, but what has been done. As long I try to do
anything, He can do nothing. It was because of my trying to do that I failed
many times. (Reference: Galatians 2:20)
God does not hate the sinner, He hates the sin, He does
not remove the sin out of the sinner, He removes the sinner from his sins (from
the scene of action) so he would cease to sin. I prayed as a lad several times
that God would remove my weaknesses and sin consciousness. The more I pray, the
more it increased.
The Christian is not supposed to deal with sin. It has
been dealt with. My salvation was completed in two twofold works: I was saved
from the penalty of sin, then from the power and the control sin had over me.
But sadly, I only took advantage of the former abandoning the latter.
I thought God’s word said the old man was washed and that
was all, but little did I know that the old man was corrupted beyond repair.
The only way God dealt with my old man was to put it to death. My old man was
not crucified by a touch, or some sense of feeling or a physical death, but a
spiritual one.
My old man was crucified by “RECKONING, REGARDING and
CONSIDERING” (Romans 6:11), and whenever I fail to reckon or fail to consider
or disregard this fact, my old man would revive again, because Satan is always
looking for an opportunity to reactivate my old man.
Each time I commit sin. It produces two major effects in
me. First, the pleasure of sin, and second, the craving for more sin. I
attempted to hold on to victory several times with my strength, but as soon as
I am tempted, I easily err and miss the mark.
I have been to cross; I know the address, the exact spot
where all my stuffs were nailed. The cross terminated my first creation, and
out of death a new creation came into being. This is the ultimate of
glorification. I have been taken and the journey was worth it. Of a truth, It
is possible to live without sin.

What is in Adam can sin, what is in Christ cannot. I
never worked for my salvation, why should I work to maintain or keep it? But
Brother Ransome, didn’t the Bible says: …Work out your salvation with fear and
trembling? Even Faith without works is dead?
My friend, God never looks at good works; He looks at the
source of the good works, and the motivation behind what you are working out.
If Abraham was justified by works, he had something to glory of and boast
about, but not before God.
What is the source of your good works? Self or the
Spirit? Satan is not afraid of Christians with good works, he is afraid of the
Christians doing the will of God.
In the second part of this series, I will share with you “The
Difference between a Christian who commits sin and A Sinner who commit sin
normally”. Then also the 4 Major aspects of Salvation : ***Confession of sin
***Forgiveness of sin ***Repentance from sin and ***Forsaking of sin.
Be encouraged, of writing many words, there is no end.
For His time is at hand and Glory to His name, even us. Grace to your heart.
The Light That Does Not Fail,
Brother Ransome.
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