Thursday, 3 December 2015

How to develop Faith (#Encounter Series 5) Romans 10:

Every believer has faith and the level of faith each believer has is greater than that of a mustard seed.
When Jesus was talking about faith in the gospels he was speaking to the disciples as people who didn’t have faith who were not yet born again.

It is the Holy Spirit that births faith, the word alone apart from the Holy Spirit faith can’t develop. Once the disciples became born again they never told anyone to have faith all they said is grow in faith. Our focus now is growing our faith to do exploit. The faith we now have needs constant fellowship with the word to grow and increase, the apostles several times would admonish the saints to seek revelation and get understanding, Also that they might walk in the consciousness of what we carry for example in Col 3:16, we are admonished to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly, also in 1 pet 2:2 we are told to desire the sincere milk of the word in Romans 10:17 we are told that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God, God’s emphasis and expectation for our lives after we are born again is to grow our faith, nowhere in the epistles would he say have faith or o ye of little faith, because we no longer have little faith we have great faith. Jesus spoke in the Gospels in this manner because the Holy Spirit had not yet come to birth faith in them. With the Holy Spirit in us our Faith comes. Faith is actually the Holy Spirit imbibing the word.

So as believers if we have received the word into our lives and the spirit has acted upon the word, we have faith. What next! Why does it seem like we do not have faith? It is because we are not growing in the word. As long you are not living by the word you can’t have faith, Jesus was the faith of the disciples, and they had so much confidence in him and His ability to do everything. So likewise we must have confidence in the ability of Jesus as if he were present now with us. Confidence in the person and ability of Jesus is Faith. Did you notice that the disciples couldn’t manifest in faith without the presence of Jesus, and even when they did manifest faith without him, he breathed upon them the Holy Spirit, so in the absence of Christ the Holy Spirit takes over? In the Gospels their faith rested on Jesus (His Physical Presence).  Now our Faith rests on the person of the Holy Spirit. The presence of the holy spirit within proves that we have Christ.