This years Encounter has been a journey, not until recently i didn't know how to multi task, but planning Encounter, running God's mercy solution ministries and been a pastor of many has made me to learn this habit.

I am indeed glad with the journey so far and the progress we have made, it wasn't easy but God held us strong. it almost felt impossible, but God saw us through. in this Journey(preparation for encounter) i have been disappointed, i have been fustrated, i have been left stranded, and i have been abused, some felt i wasn't spiritual because i demanded commitment but after two editions of encounter and what i perceive as been the block in getting the desired outcome, i have decided to use every gift that God has placed in me to plan,
As i write i am in a hurry because i have a prayer meeting tonight by 12:30am. I have literarily had to do everything and be everything. There have been those who have supported and there have been those who have ascounded, but right now with the level of success i have achieved and the experiences i have had, i have learnt how to work with different people on the same thing. It has been fun seeing this baby grow. What has been my greatest encouragement is the prayer for encounter. There has always been participants, the prayer has shifted focus from making requests, to sincerely fellowshiping with God to find out his plans and his desires for us. It's been awesome! Another fun part has been the artworks for Encounter. Peter has been awesome, Everything you see we've designed is by Peter (Visual Kraft), he is a two month old digital artworks designer. we have brainstormed, strategized and designed together. What i love most about peter is his creativity.
Very soon Encounter will be on the web, Goke has been a gem, giving many ideas and templates and enlightening me on the best way to go about it, Lastly i would love to appreciate Samuel Adeyinka, gospelkonnect,com, My brother i can never repay you for all you've done. Rhoda you are rare. to all those who have prayed with us during our conference prayer calls i appreciate you, sam, funto, tobi, hilda kemi, valerie, henry, bro owolabi. I have to appreciate this brother for helping us and releasing his fellowship and excos to work with us. This years encounter will be awesome, not only are we making clothing available, there would be a special documentary on Encounter.
All i can say is whatever your hand findeth to do do it with all your hands, I have learnt not too be disappointed when men fail, I am always looking for the way out. I believe in people especially people with talent, I will never stop telling you how good you are, I am not a liar, and i can't cover people's ability. It is now left for you to know how to manage the accolades. Please don't let it get to your head no man is indispensable, God has blessed me with so many resources the problem i have is choosing. even Human resources. I am so blessed.
Humble as ever This years Encounter is special, so special!. Joining us are Pastor Steve Aiyanyo a humble man of God, so annointed. Brother Ransome, Tolubori, Emmanuel Edward. My favourite is Spontaneous worship I have dreamt of this for more than a year

I am indeed glad with the journey so far and the progress we have made, it wasn't easy but God held us strong. it almost felt impossible, but God saw us through. in this Journey(preparation for encounter) i have been disappointed, i have been fustrated, i have been left stranded, and i have been abused, some felt i wasn't spiritual because i demanded commitment but after two editions of encounter and what i perceive as been the block in getting the desired outcome, i have decided to use every gift that God has placed in me to plan,
As i write i am in a hurry because i have a prayer meeting tonight by 12:30am. I have literarily had to do everything and be everything. There have been those who have supported and there have been those who have ascounded, but right now with the level of success i have achieved and the experiences i have had, i have learnt how to work with different people on the same thing. It has been fun seeing this baby grow. What has been my greatest encouragement is the prayer for encounter. There has always been participants, the prayer has shifted focus from making requests, to sincerely fellowshiping with God to find out his plans and his desires for us. It's been awesome! Another fun part has been the artworks for Encounter. Peter has been awesome, Everything you see we've designed is by Peter (Visual Kraft), he is a two month old digital artworks designer. we have brainstormed, strategized and designed together. What i love most about peter is his creativity.

All i can say is whatever your hand findeth to do do it with all your hands, I have learnt not too be disappointed when men fail, I am always looking for the way out. I believe in people especially people with talent, I will never stop telling you how good you are, I am not a liar, and i can't cover people's ability. It is now left for you to know how to manage the accolades. Please don't let it get to your head no man is indispensable, God has blessed me with so many resources the problem i have is choosing. even Human resources. I am so blessed.
