Heb 11:1

I Stand to be corrected but most of the times the reason why Christians sin is a lack of faith, they have not yet realized that it is through faith you stop sinning. You only ascribe and agree with God that what He says is true, faith is agreeing with God. Living powerfully in faith, we would not sin bcos we see ourselves exactly the same way God sees us, that means we have not believed in the power of jesus to save us utterly from sin completely, we are making the grace of Jesus untrue frustrating the grace.
What is Faith? Is Faith a believe system. Is Faith a prayer tool, is Faith
one of the many gifts of God, or is Faith just what we know it to be. What
exactly is your understanding of faith, how do you see faith, is Faith deprived
of its very power in your life. If you are confused about faith I advice you
to seek understanding and revelation will flood your face. But this is faith, the resurrected life. That jesus Christ came and lived a certain way and
recommended such a life for us, so that we may live triumphantly, that we may
know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his suffering
being made conformable to his death. Brethren without his resurrection power we
are nothing, I mean we are nothing, Faith is a life and Faith is also
Living. Knowing Jesus is Faith, I am not talking about reading Jesus or getting
acquainted with him, I mean knowing Jesus. There is no way you would know Jesus
and not produce Faith, it is impossible.
I pray God, the father of our Lord Jesus Christ that he would give us the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the
knowledge of him. Revelation and power for living only comes from knowing him,
so we see that we might all be able to shout that I may know him. But remember
each time you shout that I may know him you are actually saying give me faith,
as we sing this song give me jesus. Each time we cry that I may know him, give
me jesus, we are actually shouting I need faith, I am desperate for faith. When
we understand the position of faith in our lives we would know how to pray the
right prayer, our cry won’t be give me this or give me that it would be give me
When we are facing a crisis it would be give me faith, when
we are broken it would be give me faith, when we are struggling or entangled
with sin, it would be give me faith. It is the absence of faith, or the taking
of our eyes away from faith that makes us to struggle, not as though if you
have faith things won’t go wrong, but rather it is the presence of faith that
makes us to triumph in every of our pursuit. So we can also say faith is the
triumphant life. Faith is huge and it is all encompassing, it is a life. First a
building of a relationship before it becomes a making of a demand. Faith is
entirely spiritual, and it is wholly satisfying, but it demands a lot of
attention, knowing Christ requires that.
