Friday, 30 May 2014

Benefits of Rest

Imagine that you are coming from the market and you see someone who is willing to help, one of your neighbours who has a car is also coming out from the market, she even offered to carry you since you stay in the same area! Imagine you have about 80 to 100kg to carry.
Imagine you refuse and there is no drop! you have to gan Molue to get to your destination. Such an act is what we refer to as foolishness.

Imagine that a farmer carrying heavy tubers of yam boards a car and leaves the tubers on his head while he is seated in the car, That my friend is what is called ridiculous!

Imagine someone who went to the incinerator to drop refuse, later decides to go back with the refuse and the smell all around town, that is what I call kolo mental

Imagine someone dressed in rag for an executive Job Position. That is what we call Ogun Idile.

Ook, You get my point

All these scenarios play out when we go to church and claim with our lips to love God and surrender all to him and then as we are leaving church such commitment ends.

How do we fully benefit from rest? Tongues is meant to refresh but it is obvious not everyone who claims to speak in tongues now rests or his refreshed. Why is that so. Trends and pattern have shown that there are people who are addicted to the music of church but not the lifestyle of christ. The only thing they practise is music, they don't practise a daily christian Living.

I can't help such a person, who prefers to sing empty songs or talk empty talks. I can only help those who are sincere to want and seek after rest.

When we leave church after a restful service we must not allow the practise of rest stop. It is not only in organised service one can engage in rest, personally in our closest we will find that the joys of individual worship increases unto abundant rest. Closing the chapter of worship after we leave church is a sure way to live a life of turmoil, because the bible says tomorrow has enough trouble of it's own. We must learn to take up the yoke of christ on our own. And build a personal fellowship with God. It is Jesus that brings the rest it is as we seek to know him more that rest comes. Imagine you had a wonderful restful moment in church and you repeat it when you are alone and this becomes a practise, In the longrun you would have learnt to activate the fullness of the life of rest.
Gathering in church only compliments your rest bank and no longer to activate it. Build your rest bank because you won't know when you'll have to make a quick rest withdrawal.

I have come to realise that the christians that flourish more are those that don't wait until Sunday for God to meet their rest need, immediately they sense an emptiness they go to God, any other just serves to compliment that rest. The best is to keep building our rest bank regardless, to enjoy worship unrestrictedly.

Engaging the gift of tongues, meditation and worship are sure ways to walk in rest.
In conclusion, what is your business with your load of worry? Since you dropped it at the feet of the master leave it there. Because you placed your worry at the master's feet and you still see it during worship does not mean he won't carry it, yours is to place it at his feet, His, his to carry it. Drop your load and go your way shikena! As long as it's no longer on your neck you are free, no one can force it on your neck except you pick it back again.

But this is what we do we pick back the load because it's still visible, we become impatient to see it carried away! A load you have dropped when you pick it back again It becomes heavier.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Intimacy through Rest

God began to talk to me about INTIMACY. Throughout the month of May. As a church, we've been talking about the Life of a Believer using Col 3:1-10, Romans 8:16 and Romans 6. But God began to give me a new Dimension to the Life of a Believer in the Paradigm of Rest. The popular verses for rest are Heb 4:1-11 and Matthew 11:28-30 : Come unto me all ye that labor and heavy laden and I'll give you rest. It further goes to say take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am lowly and meek and you shall find rest unto your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
I became puzzled, for it became obvious that true rest only comes from taking up the yoke of Jesus, so I thought. Looking back at Hebrews 4 : Labour to enter into God's rest, I assumed taking upon the yoke is labouring to enter into rest. But those I've Known before, this is not where I am going... Tag along for an interesting Journey.
My curiosity led me to dig into my Dake's and I saw references to Rest in Isaiah 28:11-12 read yourself and discern what God says.

But I am writing to share what God showed me according to the Paradigm of rest.  I share my story!

I have always wondered about rest and it has been vague (I like to be articulate). I kept searching and groaning in the spirit, moreover being the chosen topic for Maturity School. God dropped Matthew 11:28 into my spirit but I it passed as insignificant. I didn't want to teach what didn't minister to me, my mind couldn't wrap at it, I could explain the literature (logos) but I couldn't find it applicable in principle. For one, taking up the yoke of Jesus appeared to be the undoing, so I read it over, prayed in the spirit and then began to search further! As I searched my eyes fell on Isaiah 28:9-12 and I had one of those Aha! Experience suddenly a light bulb flickered. This is what I learned;

I've been used to believing that taking the yoke of Jesus meant evangelizing, soulwinning. If you have being actively involved in winning souls, you would agree with me to say one of the ways to get yourself worried most is praying for souls, you sometimes feel without your prayer God can't do anything (Error). Not about to start another discussion.

What then is taking up the yoke of Jesus that gives rest? I will say it as Isaiah said it: For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people, To whom he said this is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet the world will not hear. Isaiah 28:11-12

What then is the refreshing: Direct reference to the stammering lips and another tongue (Worship), one of the ways we find rest is through spiritual exercises, but here it clearly spoke about tongues. If I will paraphrase; this verse seems to say through tongues and the ministry of the holy spirit will I  give the weary rest and refresh them. The world will not accept tongues as the rest. They will not hear it, they will abuse it, so therefore they can't benefit from it.

God began to broaden my mind and let me see that tongues truly refreshes, but not only tongues but every spiritual christian exercise, singing, worship and meditation when truly utilised brings rest. That's the secret of our rest. By seeking to know Jesus more we are chasing (Labouring for) hungering for rest.
David found so much rest through worship, no wonder the kings that preceded and succeeded him acted almost like mad men.

As we come together in church and gatherings with our brethren and lift up holy hands to worship and be enlightened we only show that we are interested in the yoke of Jesus! Whose Yoke when taking up brings rest, why is it that worship and praise does more in making one light in the mind than request making?...

I have not come to talk about abuse of worship or malfunction of it, I am aware that for some church is just a feel good experience their heart is not genuinely seeking (read the next article for that) because they are not surrendered, I am talking about typical busy christians who go to work and have a bad day, and become weary, who have tried things their own way and they need a break, they so desperately need help. To these people, worship (tongues, psalms, hymns, meditation, thanksgiving, adoration singing and making melody in the heart) brings rest. Our worship experiences must not be taken lightly they are meant to rest us.

N.B. We know that In Jesus is rest found, I am talking more on living a restful life a life free of worry. Engaging rest on a daily basis.
Saul and Solomon became irrational at the later stages of their life cos they didn't embody david's attitude towards worship. David was more restful than them.
We must endeavour to make new converts realise the importance of our gatherings. It's not Joblessness to go to church.

Watch Out for how to benefit totally from rest.