Imagine you refuse and there is no drop! you have to gan
Molue to get to your destination. Such an act is what we refer to as

Imagine someone who went to the incinerator to drop
refuse, later decides to go back with the refuse and the smell all around town,
that is what I call kolo mental
Imagine someone dressed in rag for an executive Job
Position. That is what we call Ogun Idile.
Ook, You get my point
All these scenarios play out when we go to church and
claim with our lips to love God and surrender all to him and then as we are
leaving church such commitment ends.

I can't help such a person, who prefers to sing empty
songs or talk empty talks. I can only help those who are sincere to want and
seek after rest.
When we leave church after a restful service we must not
allow the practise of rest stop. It is not only in organised service one can
engage in rest, personally in our closest we will find that the joys of
individual worship increases unto abundant rest. Closing the chapter of worship
after we leave church is a sure way to live a life of turmoil, because the
bible says tomorrow has enough trouble of it's own. We must learn to take up
the yoke of christ on our own. And build a personal fellowship with God. It is
Jesus that brings the rest it is as we seek to know him more that rest comes.
Imagine you had a wonderful restful moment in church and you repeat it when you
are alone and this becomes a practise, In the longrun you would have learnt to
activate the fullness of the life of rest.
Gathering in church only compliments your rest bank and
no longer to activate it. Build your rest bank because you won't know when
you'll have to make a quick rest withdrawal.
I have come to realise that the christians that flourish
more are those that don't wait until Sunday for God to meet their rest need,
immediately they sense an emptiness they go to God, any other just serves to
compliment that rest. The best is to keep building our rest bank regardless, to
enjoy worship unrestrictedly.
Engaging the gift of tongues, meditation and worship are
sure ways to walk in rest.
In conclusion, what is your business with your load of worry? Since you
dropped it at the feet of the master leave it there. Because you placed your
worry at the master's feet and you still see it during worship does not mean he
won't carry it, yours is to place it at his feet, His, his to carry it. Drop
your load and go your way shikena! As long as it's no longer on your neck you
are free, no one can force it on your neck except you pick it back again.
But this is what we do we pick back the load because it's
still visible, we become impatient to see it carried away! A load you have
dropped when you pick it back again It becomes heavier.
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