When the Bible said Jesus' will was surrendered many do not understand!
"Not my will but yours be done" In plain language is I strip myself of
every Identity and ability as God. This was the main reason for this
Prayer, because in other to deliver Humanity God had to die as a man to
bring about his glory...
I always wondered why Jesus would pray this prayer since He knew right from the beginning He would die, but then it occurred to me that the stripping of all of His heavenly glory was the biggest challenge He had to face, because He had to die powerless. His No. 1 will was His Godness. i.e ability to be God and perform as God. He couldn't access His God nature. If He was to toll the way of the cross, HIM that had authority over the devil had to become a subject of the devil and the only thing the devil could do when he had the opportunity to get back at God was to humiliate Him, and further humiliate Him by hanging Him on a tree! (Even the devil didn't understand the mystery of God, it never occurred to him that God also had authority in hell in other-words, God can bring anything back from Death or hell; Kumfayakum)
This was all part of the plan because He was fulfilling prophecy! God surrendered his Godness, He lost his existence, His Identity, His ability. His essence. Now Divinity had to look for how to reinstate this Glory because without the presence of the word, the heavens will be bare! So God had to create a permanent body for the word and uphold the symbol of redemption, He had to fast forward eternity as He gave us a glimpse into incorruption. As Earthly flesh mastered heavenly weather!
But what struck most were His words "not my will but yours be done!" it was possible for Him to die with all the Glory of Heaven, the implication of which I do not know!
But rather so that there would not be a revolt he had to feel all that we felt, the emotions, the doubts, the pain the confusion, all were pointing for His Glory, because of the enormous Glory that would be revealed! Before It was only God that was mentioned there were no distinguishing of Father, Son and Spirit, In order to restore! Divinity had to come out in their raw form. God made himself vulnerable and the mystery surrounding God was simplified!
It was in this surrendering of his glory that the "prayer not my will" find it's significance. There was no doubt of whether He would die! He agreed to die that was why He came but it was in the manner and mode of His death that we find the real struggle, He had to die helpless and powerless. scorned!!! He was powerless He couldn't control the circumstances around Him, He was a mere man! Ordinary!! stripped of every Glory. Those that saw Him as divine changed their perception, His worth reduced! All His pride gone, His achievements were forgotten because He seemed to men as fake! The pain, the emptiness, all were pointing to redemption, for once He lost sight of what was ahead! He became a natural man! His visions lost, He didn't know what lay ahead! For the first time He was clueless! And if all this happened to Him it meant there could not be communication between Him and His Father! Separated! alone!!
He had to face the cross, with no way of escape ahead! He didn't know if a lamb would be provided in His case to take His stead as it did for Abraham, such hopelessness was too much! Must we do it like this He asked can't I retain few of my powers! All He relied on were prophecies! He also had to rely on the things He created! Even though things looked hopeless He couldn't see the future, He had to believe that the divine plan would work. So He went helplessly and dumb as a sheep before his shearers! Hopeless(Humanly but not divinely) utterly helpless. Scorned, buffeted, speechless, humiliated, ridiculed.
Dereped! O what a life! What a Sacrifice, What a Price! to have my sins taking away. If someone I care and love can go this extent to show His love, Shouldn't I respond! Shouldn't my response match He's in zeal and passion!
What a Mystery.
I always wondered why Jesus would pray this prayer since He knew right from the beginning He would die, but then it occurred to me that the stripping of all of His heavenly glory was the biggest challenge He had to face, because He had to die powerless. His No. 1 will was His Godness. i.e ability to be God and perform as God. He couldn't access His God nature. If He was to toll the way of the cross, HIM that had authority over the devil had to become a subject of the devil and the only thing the devil could do when he had the opportunity to get back at God was to humiliate Him, and further humiliate Him by hanging Him on a tree! (Even the devil didn't understand the mystery of God, it never occurred to him that God also had authority in hell in other-words, God can bring anything back from Death or hell; Kumfayakum)

This was all part of the plan because He was fulfilling prophecy! God surrendered his Godness, He lost his existence, His Identity, His ability. His essence. Now Divinity had to look for how to reinstate this Glory because without the presence of the word, the heavens will be bare! So God had to create a permanent body for the word and uphold the symbol of redemption, He had to fast forward eternity as He gave us a glimpse into incorruption. As Earthly flesh mastered heavenly weather!
But what struck most were His words "not my will but yours be done!" it was possible for Him to die with all the Glory of Heaven, the implication of which I do not know!
But rather so that there would not be a revolt he had to feel all that we felt, the emotions, the doubts, the pain the confusion, all were pointing for His Glory, because of the enormous Glory that would be revealed! Before It was only God that was mentioned there were no distinguishing of Father, Son and Spirit, In order to restore! Divinity had to come out in their raw form. God made himself vulnerable and the mystery surrounding God was simplified!
It was in this surrendering of his glory that the "prayer not my will" find it's significance. There was no doubt of whether He would die! He agreed to die that was why He came but it was in the manner and mode of His death that we find the real struggle, He had to die helpless and powerless. scorned!!! He was powerless He couldn't control the circumstances around Him, He was a mere man! Ordinary!! stripped of every Glory. Those that saw Him as divine changed their perception, His worth reduced! All His pride gone, His achievements were forgotten because He seemed to men as fake! The pain, the emptiness, all were pointing to redemption, for once He lost sight of what was ahead! He became a natural man! His visions lost, He didn't know what lay ahead! For the first time He was clueless! And if all this happened to Him it meant there could not be communication between Him and His Father! Separated! alone!!
He had to face the cross, with no way of escape ahead! He didn't know if a lamb would be provided in His case to take His stead as it did for Abraham, such hopelessness was too much! Must we do it like this He asked can't I retain few of my powers! All He relied on were prophecies! He also had to rely on the things He created! Even though things looked hopeless He couldn't see the future, He had to believe that the divine plan would work. So He went helplessly and dumb as a sheep before his shearers! Hopeless(Humanly but not divinely) utterly helpless. Scorned, buffeted, speechless, humiliated, ridiculed.
Dereped! O what a life! What a Sacrifice, What a Price! to have my sins taking away. If someone I care and love can go this extent to show His love, Shouldn't I respond! Shouldn't my response match He's in zeal and passion!
What a Mystery.
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