We stand a chance of going extinct with our faith if that is the way we view Faith, Faith is Universal. In terms of concept, if we are to define faith as a phenomenon then it is a concept, it represents one thing, but there are several effects of faith upon a man's life. a man of faith manifests different level of trust in God, Just like sin Faith is both a nature and an action, an action we express that shows our trust in God is referred to as an act of faith. but in terms of looking at acts of faith persecution and martyrdom is as much an act of faith as walking on waters or healing the sick, Now we regard Faith as a concept and as a nature as INWARD FAITH, and Faith as an act as OUTWARD FAITH.
Inward faith grows by hearing the word of God, and it does not depend on circumstances, each challenge or situation that brings itself only presents inward faith with the opportunity to express itself, the extent to which faith expresses itself is a testament to our level of communion and faithfulness. Outward faith is expressed or is only seen when an opportunity presents itself for a man to defend his faith, it is a doing but it is a reflection to the extent to which inward faith has developed.

Brethren before we talk about faith let us have a definite understanding of what it means, faith is the expression of our relationship with God, we shouldn't be caught in the mistake of attaching faith with principles of asking and requesting, a person of faith knows is request has been granted, mind you we must spend time to develop faith (wholesome faith) because without faith it is impossible to please God, he that must come to God must believe that he is and he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him, not as if we are striving to please God but instead we can't meet the requirement for getting pleasure of God if we don't act in faith. God would do nothing without faith anybody that does not have faith cannot partake of God. Faith expresses all that God is, and it is not in degrees. Simple faith opens any door. All that is needed is an iota of faith, the popular culture now is for ministers to preach incomplete faith, which is a form of idolatry, any faith that does not get you focusing on Jesus but circumstances is not faith, how do i mean, in some churches pastors preach on having faith for financial breakthrough, this churches exhibit high level of financial success but that is all the side of faith they have seen, others focus on healing and are deficient in other things. what this does is to breed idolatry, or faith consumers. these Christians are only focused on getting their needs and wants, they have lost the sweet pleasure of having a faith that focuses on Jesus. This faith is idolatry, because it doesn't teach us to hope in or completely trust God. we know to handle every other aspects of our lives but turn all attention to God on the thing we want to have faith in for example provision. most of this Christians are greedy, and they love the life of the flesh more than the life of the spirit, in other words they are carnal Christians.
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